The Types Of Massage Shops You’ll Find In Korea

If you’ve been to Korea before, then you know that massage shops are everywhere. If you haven’t been, then you’re probably wondering what exactly I’m talking about.

Well, let this article break it down for you: there are several different types of Korean massage shops; some are more common than others. Here’s a rundown of each type and where they’re located in Seoul (and other cities).

The Massage Chair.

Massage chairs are great for stress relief, but they’re also an affordable option. They come in many different varieties and can be found in almost every mall and department store. If you feel like getting a massage on the go, there are even portable versions that can be taken home!

The best part about these massagers is that they cost much less than you might think–they range from 20000 won (about $18) to 30000 won ($28).

The Massage Place That Parks In Front Of Your Office.

It’s a small shop that parks right outside of the office and offers massages to anyone who walks by. They’ll come out and ask if you want one, or if they see you sitting there taking a break from work, they’ll invite themselves over with some tea or snacks and try to convince you why getting a massage would be beneficial for both your health and productivity (they’re not wrong).

The price range is usually between 10-15 USD per hour depending on how much time has passed since their last customer; this means that if you go earlier in the day before many people from work have arrived, then chances are good that prices will be lower than usual because demand isn’t that high yet!

The Massage Place Park In Front Of The Subway Station.

Massage shops are everywhere in Korea. They’re open 24 hours, and they have massage chairs, massage tables, massage beds, and even private rooms where you can get a rubdown by yourself or with your partner.

The best thing about these places is that they’re cheap! In fact, there’s even one across the street from some of the apartment buildings that charge only 5 dollars per hour.

The Massage Shop With A Sign That Says “Open 24 Hours”.

These massage shops are usually open late at night, so you can get a massage after a night out. They’re also open early in the morning, so if you have an early start at work or school and want to feel relaxed before heading out into the world, this is where to go.

Finally, these places tend to be cheaper than other massage places because they don’t need as much staff on hand during off-peak hours (when most people aren’t getting massages).


So, there you have it. The various kinds of massage parlors in Korea. Hope that this article has helped you understand what goes on behind those closed doors and what to expect when visiting one yourself!

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